Tara Costello
Tara Costello
MI Talent-Gina Henry
Hair: Red, Eyes: Blue, Height: 5’4, Weight: 114
Union Status-Non Union
Anatomy of the Throat Supporting Eric Haviv/ FUGO Studios
Upside Down Lead Ryan Durst
Make Georgia Howl Supporting Joshua Clay
The Lost Art of Dress Model Mark Judge
Richard iii Girl/Bishop/Berkley Shakespeare on Draught- April Singley
Top Girls Pope Joan/Louise/Joyce GSU Players- Dr.Frank Miller
Common Poorwill* Misty Worlds Ocean Arts- James
Shrink* Carmen Renko Horizon Theatre Apprenticeship- Nichole Palmietto
That’s Life* Melanie Horizon Theatre Apprenticeship- Jeff Adler
Troilus and Cressida Thersites RADA Summer School- Tim Hardy
Etiology* Pearl CUA- Shirley Serotsky
So Snow* Yolanda CUA- Elena Valsaco
Mixed Doubles The Lawyer London Dramatic Academy- Kathy Pogson
Hedda Gabler Female Understudy CUA- Eleanor Holdridge
King John Citizen/ Throne Bearer (U/S Blanche) Marin Shakespeare Company- Lesley Currier
Alternative Methods (Reading) Stage Directions Theatre J/CUA- Marietta Hedges
Troy Women Chorus 1 Catholic University of America (CUA)- Lindsey Gentry
Grease Vince Fontaine Performing Arts Academy of Marin- Annie Leese
The Three Musketeers Milady Conservatory Theatre Ensemble- Julianna Rees Cleveland
* World Premiere
Catapult Acting Studios (Atlanta, GA)- On Camara (April Billinglsey)
Pilot Prep Workshop (Erik Lingvall)
Erica Arvold Workshops
Drama Inc. Acting Studio (Atlanta, GA)- Improv for the Actor 1 and 2 (Matthew Stanton)
Horizon Theatre Company (Atlanta, GA)- Acting Apprentice, September 2014-June 2015
The Catholic University of America- (Washington DC) B.A in Drama
London Dramatic Academy- (London, UK) January-April 2013
Marin Shakespeare Company- (San Rafael CA)-Summer Acting Intern 2012
Acting: Marietta Hedges, Robert Currier, Juliana Rees Cleveland, Ben Cleveland, Susan Brashear, Deb Fink, Kathy Pogson, Rosamund Shelley, Leo Wringer, Jessica Turner, Geoff Bullen, Margurite Hannah
Viewpoints: Marietta Hedges
Stage Combat: Richard Squeri, Gordan Kemp
Classical Verse & Text: Barry Kraft, Eleanor Holdridge, Guilliaume Tourniae, Juliana Rees-Cleveland, Lynne Soffer, Leo Wringer, Christopher Cook, Ellen Newman, Dennis Krausnick
Singing/voice: Dominic Traino, Rebecca Jones, Simon Money, Melissa Flaim, Ellen Newman
Movement/Dance: Sue Goodman, Angela Hardcastle
Audition: Deb Fink, Rosamund Shelley
Directing: Ben Cleveland, Susan Brashear, Eleanor Holdridge
Clown: Matt Felten
Special Skills
Accents: RP and Standard American (native), Whistling, Class C Driver’s License, Valid United States and Irish Passport, can cross-eyes, bike riding, Horseback riding (English saddle), English Period Dance (Medieval through 19th Century), Singing- Alto